  •     Partners  

Partnership Scheme

Hong Kong RFID Ltd. provides a scheme for companies, both local and foreign to join the industry as a partner of ours. The partnership scheme provides them an opportunity to explore RFID technology as well as cultivating new markets in their own region.

  • Partners are critical to delivering solution to customers.
  • Partners gain access to material and support for sales andmarketing success.
  • Partners gain expertise and support to integrate and deploy HK-RFID solutions.

Value-added Partner (VAP)

VAP is a good start with HK-RFID. You can resell our RFID products to your potential clients. We provide fully support and professional advice to our partners.


Distributor can represent HK-RFID to distribute our RFID products in overseas. We provide knowledge transfer and technical advice to you for handling different projects and enquiries.

Sole Distributor

Our sole distributor is working closely with HK-RFID. You can solely represent us and manage the distributors in your region or country. You can also enjoy the greatest benefits and discount offered by HK-RFID.


Existing Partners

ERFID, Russia Company
Pentamaster, Malaysia Company








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